Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer


Chelsea and Wes love spending time on the beach so why wouldn’t they have their engagement photos on the beach?! And so they did! We met on a beautiful sunny evening and spend some time getting their engagement photos. I loved Chelsea’s white lacy mini dress! It looked so playful and fit so nicely into the beach vibe! Wes looked sharp in his white button down shirt and black pants. I can’t wait until their wedding at Atlantic City Golf Club. We are going to have an incredible time!

Wedding Vendor Team:
Photography || Yana Shellman Photography
Venue || Atlantic City Golf Club

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer

Ocean City NJ Wedding Photographer


Thank you so much for letting me a part of your special day! God bless you!!!


All images are copyrighted to Yana Shellman – fine art photojournalistic photographer serving as a South Jersey and Philadelphia Wedding Photographer. She adores photography that shows natural and loving relationship of people. Clear instruction, genuine laughter, and long-lasting sweet memories is what you will get with Yana as your wedding photographer.



If you have questions or would like Yana to record your special event, please drop Yana a note at yana@yanashellman.com or contact her through the contact form.